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In this project we work together with 10 partners that are spread over four countries. The partners in the DEEPLIGHT consortium are carefully selected and include world-class research institutes, universities, technology providers, geothermal drilling companies and an operator. Thereby the consortium provides the necessary experience, knowledge, facilities and competences for the complex and integrated activities to deliver an EPP-casing while drilling concept at TRL 6. The project partners are:
– BITSz Electronics GmbH (BIT), Germany
– Iceland Drilling Company (IDC), Iceland
– Iceland GeoSurvey (ÍSOR), Iceland
– IHC Mining B.V. (IHC), The Netherlands
– Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany
– Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE), The Netherlands
– the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands
– Well Engineering Partners B.V. (WEP), The Netherlands
– WiE GmbH – Werk für industrielle Elektronik (WIE), Germany
– Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Üretím A.S. (ZRN), Turkey

Please click below on logo to see the website of the partners.

Bitsz logoIceland drilling logoISOR logo

IHC mining logo

TU Dresden logo
TU Eindhoven logo
TNO logoWEP logoWIE logo
Zorlu logo